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RE: 1.8 Merge interface feedback

From: Tom Chelios <schizi_at_gmx.de>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 06:45:03 -0700 (PDT)

This topic confusing me too.

If I understand the auto merge right, you don´t need sync & reintegrate, because "what is the right merge for this situation" choose the tool.
So, why you have the sync and reintegrate merge as separate option?

Please remove one merge option, as macpharlan suggested.

> I upgraded to 1.8 for the improved merge capabilities and found the current merge gui a little confusing.
> This is feedback and questions:
> First I did not realize it changed and was wondering why the reintegrate merge was still there, then I realized you renamed it to reintegrate/automatic merge, the options now are confusing, I was expecting the reintegrate option to simply be removed since it is not needed (maybe a flag added to the normal merge if desired).
> Q1: I see in the first option merge range of revisions and it has the option to merge all revisions. Is this an automatic merge for 1.8, automatically reintegrating? What is the difference form using this and the second automatic merge option?
> Q2: I see 'use old style reintegrate instead of auto merge' option on both of the top two merge choices, but it is greyed out and cannot be selected? What is the use case for this?
> From my perspective it would be easier to understand to remove the second merge option (automatic/reintegrate merge) and simply have the top choice(Merge/automatic or range) with the 'old style reintegrate flag) along with the two URL choice.
> Having the range with full capabilities as well as the automatic/reintegration is confusing in my opinion.


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Received on 2013-07-15 15:45:10 CEST

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