On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 9:58 AM, gaohongyan <ghyghost_at_sohu.com> wrote:
> fritzophrenic~
> Now I want to know what is the role of the "working copy", it is best to operate the steps to teach me,
No. YOU show US what you tried and then we can help you with your
problem. Your generic question "how does this work?" was answered
several times and people even linked to the relevant documentation.
Since you are obviously a non-native English speaker you were even
helpfully pointed to translations of the documents and yet you show no
evidence you actually tried reading any of it. Your specific question
about a specific problem (your updated working copies were empty
besides a .svn directory) did not have enough detail to go on. For
that you should give specific steps to follow with specific commands
to get your result.
If you have specific problems with any of the explanations then bring
them up specifically. Don't use vague language and make us guess. And
please read some version of the manual before asking questions about
basic usage. If something is unclear in the manual then put in your
message what specifically in the manual is unclear.
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Received on 2013-06-25 17:07:28 CEST