"Show Log" dialog chooses wrong range when invoked from "Changed Files" dialog
From: piyush gupta <piyuz_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2012 08:58:30 -0800 (PST)
This shows a "Log Messages" screen, but the range it shows is revision 100 and below. I would expect it to show me all the revisions made to the file to get from 100 to 110. But it shows me instead all the revisions made to the file to get from 0-100.
If I flip the order in the "Changed Files" dialog (100->110 becomes 110->100), and then right click the same file and open "Show Log" again, this time it shows the correct output, i.e. revisions between 100 and 110. But then the "ACTION" is counter-intuitive, as it tells me the action needed to get from revision 110 to 100. So if I added a file between 100 and 110, it shows as DELETED.
Do you agree this is counter-intuitive? I think it would be more reasonable to show the log messages between the 2 revisions regardless of the order.
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