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RE: Working copy corruptions due to dual use of SVN on Linux and Windows against same working copy

From: Guido Leenders <Guido.Leenders_at_invantive.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:12:59 +0100

Hi Andy, thanks for your feedback. Obviously my problem is not a bug, but unsupported use and a little weird error.

Is it a good suggestion to change the working copy format to include some type of "supported platform and user", just as it already does check on the version of the repository? This ensures that users such as me and my collegeaus can only use the software in a supported way. This reduces the risk of data corruption.



From: Andy Levy [mailto:andy.levy_at_gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2012 1:25 PM
To: users_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org
Subject: Re: Working copy corruptions due to dual use of SVN on Linux and Windows against same working copy
On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 3:41 AM, Guido Leenders <Guido.Leenders_at_invantive.com<mailto:Guido.Leenders_at_invantive.com>> wrote:
We are using SVN 1.7.7 (TortoiseSVN 1.7.10) on Windows and SVN 1.7.7 on Linux with Samba against the same working copies. The working copies are located on the home directory of the user (/home/XXX or h:\).
Reason for such dual use is that some build software runs only on Windows and some only on Linux and there are no really reliable platform crossing mechanisms.
This worked fine with SVN 1.6, but since a few weeks we are working with 1.7. We have tested 1.7 in our setup for months on a Windows only laptop and working copies had little to no problems.
Since we started using dual use of the working copies, we are frequently and consistenly having working copy issues. It seems that either Windows or Linux changes something, probably in the .svn folder, that causes the other side to complain. If you stick to Windows only Tortoise or Linux only Tortoise it works fine. But for several operations that is not practically feasible (Linux side scripting, but users on Windows which do not all know all complex SVN command line arguments).
This is an unsupported and not-at-all recommended or encouraged scenario. If it worked in the past, you were fortunate; no guarantees were ever made that it would work, so breakage should not be unexpected.
Never share working copies between OSes or users. Best practice has always been one WC per OS per user.
There is no way to "overcome this" aside from stopping the activity altogether.
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Received on 2012-11-17 16:15:36 CET

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