TortoiseSvn MSI installer and Subversion Config file
From: CHAZAL Julien <>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2012 16:07:08 +0000
Hi all,
In my company, we choosed to use TortoiseSvn 1.7.x as Subversion client for Windows 7 platform. Then, we have to deploy TortoiseSvn installer(msi) on all our workstations (around 2,000 workstations), through Group Policies tool (Microsoft).
We also applied a strong Configuration Management process to manage the source code of our applications and then we customized the config file for Subversion (the file stored in %appdata%\Subversion). So we have our own Config file for Subversion that we must deploy on all our Win7 workstations.
I performed some tests to deploy the TortoiseSvn MSI that you provide in Sourceforce. It works fine with Microsoft Group Policies, but I would like to deploy our own Config file instead of using the Config file provided by TortoiseSvn MSI installer.
So, do you know if it possible to modify TortoiseSvn MSI installer in order to add in this MSI our customized config file?
Another remark, TortoiseSvnProc.exe (or TSVNCahce.exe) creates automatically the subversion Config file if this file doesn't exist in %appdata%\Subversion (or if this file has been removed). So, I would like to know how works TortoiseSvnProc.exe (or TSVNCahce.exe): does this program use a default config file? where is it located? Can we modify it?
Thanks in advance for your help.
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