RE: Re: Bug report: Both commit and checkout/update shows incorrect transfer dates for large files
From: Tomasz Trejderowski <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 06:01:30 -0700 (PDT)
Sorry for a delayed reply.
No, if I said that a file has 186 MB, it means that it HAS that size? Why would I fool people that I used different file size?
> I have not used XAMPP, but from quick search the latest version is
I got XAMPP 1.8.0 as a beta version, which was an unofficial release as a time of writing it.
> 156.6 MB
No -- many times smaller file size, you mention, is due to using much powerful Seven-ZIP. But, if you get XAMPP Full version, no matter which one, zipped, your ZIP archive will always have around 170-190 MB.
So, yes -- file was 185 MB size and yes -- Tortoise SVN did show that as much smaller size (as in my initial post), first time - 15 MB and second time -- 22 MB.
So -- conlusion -- we're there, where we were. File size showed in comit/checkout window was incorrect.
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