diffing engine aborted because of an error
From: Mark Wood <mdw_at_kodak.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 10:36:39 -0700 (PDT)
I am getting the following error w/ TortoiseSVN (version 1.7.9) when I try to do a "diff with previous version":
The diffing engine aborted because of an error:
It only happens on one file -- a file that I had previously tried to do an update, had some conflicts, and decided rather than to try to resolve the conflicts to simply delete the file (a file system delete) and then do an update to get the latest version. That worked, but now I get the above error, and I am not sure how to resolve it. I did a completely fresh checkout of the entire project, but that did not solve the problem.
Any ideas on how to get things back to a clean state?
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