On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 2:04 AM, wajihullah baig
<wajihullahbaig_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have been trying to get my head around to make things work with Redmine and I have downloaded TortoiseSVN
> "
> 1.7.7, Build 22907 - 64 Bit , 2012/05/15 12:16:05
> Subversion 1.7.5,
> .....
> "
> I have been able to add users to redmine, add projects, link them with TortoiseSVN. But I hit a block trying to add authenticated users with tortoisSVN.
> The problem seems to lie in some DSO files. I have been following the page Apache Based Server From Tigris to configure the Apache Server for user authentication.
> The instructions from Tigris website tell us
> Using the windows explorer, go to the installation directory of Subversion (usually c:\program files\Subversion) and find the files /httpd/mod_dav_svn.so and mod_authz_svn.so. Copy these files to the Apache modules directory (usually c:\program files\apache group\apache2\modules ).
> Copy the file /bin/libdb*.dll and /bin/intl3_svn.dll from the Subversion installation directory to the Apache bin directory.
> Now I DONOT see the folder that instructions tell us. That is when I install tortoiseSVN manually myself, I donot see the file libdb*.dll and cannot find the directory httpd/ under the installation folders of SVN.
> When I did a search I found the required files under the bitnami stack!
> G:\Program Files\BitNami Redmine Stack\subversion\bin
> From here I follow the instructions and in the end end I restart the Apache Server, it will not start again. It keeps failing. Probably there is something wrong and my guess are the files that need to be copied. As I don't see them in the manual installation ofTortoise SVN. Rather in the bitnami stack.
> Can someone help me out? Has anyone been able to solve this problem
> OR
> please tell me which version of Redmine and TortoiseSVN you have used to successfully authenticate users?
TortoiseSVN does not come packaged with any server components you can
use here. Start with Bitnami, as they've built and packaged the
distribution that you're using.
If you look at the Apache error log, it'll tell you why it can't
start. That's critical information to send to whomever you're asking
for help - it might even get you to a solution without someone else's
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Received on 2012-08-16 12:41:26 CEST