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Fwd: create tag with externals

From: Tobias Richter <tri_at_imi.st>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 11:49:59 +0000

Sender: tri_at_imi.st
Subject: Fwd: create tag with externals
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attached mail follows:

Hi *,

I have some questions/suggestions for the Branch/Tag dialog.

With the new TortoiseSVN version the dialog now shows all externals
and has the possibility to set a explicit revision for these externals
- that is great!

1. check externals per default to explicit revision:
If I want to make sure that the new tag is always in a consistent
state - and I want this always, I have to check all the externals to
have their revisions fixed to their current working copy revision.
Hopefully I or my colleagues never forget this. Is there a possibility
to have them checked per default? Like setting an TortoiseSVN Advanced
setting to true and then the dialog checks all externals always per

2. externals from tags - wrong revision:
If I have some externals from a tag included, sometimes the found
revision is "wrong" and the newly generated svn:externals property for
the tag is not working. For example I have a Lib called Lib1 (rev 1).
I create a tag from this Lib (Lib1/trunk) called /Lib1/tag/V02. - rev
2. Then I include this Lib in my App like svn:externals =
"Lib1/Include ^/Libs/Lib1/tags/V02/Include". If I now try to create a
tag for my App the Branch/Tag dialog looks for the externals and found
the included externals. Now I can set them explicit to the found
revision 1. BUT revision 1 is good for the Include directory but not
for the tag (V02) directory because this folder was created in
revision 2. Because of that behavior i cannot checkout the tag
including the externals without errors like Lib1/tags/V02/Include not
found in revision 1.

3. create tag and set all externals to a given revision:
If I create a new tag it would be nice if I have the possibility to
set the same revision for ALL externals. Not just the last revision
for each external which is found by TorotiseSVN - just let the user
say: "Ok, I like to create a Tag and all my externals should be fixed
at revision 200". This way the user can always checkout the tag
including the externals without problems regarding the externals.

I think that the solution: don't seta explicit revision for externals
which are included from a tag is not really good because sometimes
somebody delete Tags in the HEAD Revision and then the checkout won't
working any longer...

Thank you.

Best regards,


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Received on 2012-03-30 15:18:41 CEST

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