+1 for VisualSVN. It's almost trivial to set up.
> you are right, i forgot something called concurency :">
> @Nic:
> if you want the simple way, use VisualSVN. its free. it put alot of ad
> in TSVN download page.
> i'v use it for once, it easy to setup. so easy that i already forgot how
> to set it up.
> On Mar 13, 2012 6:02 AM, "Simon Large" <simon.tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com
> <mailto:simon.tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com>> wrote:
> On 12 March 2012 18:21, Gabri Nurtinaz Shally <gabri.ns_at_gmail.com
> <mailto:gabri.ns_at_gmail.com>> wrote:
> > TurtoiseSVN has capability to modify svn database directly, without a
> > server. you can share your repository folder so other poeple can
> access it,
> > of course using TSVN to. i've do this alot recently. for
> credential, TSVN
> > will use current loged on user as who modified the source, not
> user used to
> > access the folder.
> We very strongly suggest *not* doing that.
> http://tortoisesvn.net/faq.html#reponoserver
> As he has already gone to the trouble of setting up the server, why
> change it for something less robust now?
> Simon
> --
> : ___
> : oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
> : (_,\/ \_/ \ TortoiseSVN
> : \ \_/_\_/> The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
> : /_/ \_\ http://tortoisesvn.net
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