Op 26 jan. 2012 22:00 schreef "Eric Decker" <eric_at_edecker.net> het volgende:
> I would like to suggest a feature request that would allow users to
select an option from the context menu (and the "right drag" menu too) that
would allow them to export only the modified file from a directory.
Can you explain why you want this? There may be better ways to achieve this
than using export.
> In case that isn't explained well enough, here is an example:
> If you had the following directory:
> root
> --folderA [modified]
> ----fileA [unchanged]
> ----fileB [added]
> --folderB [modified]
> ----fileA [modified]
> ----fileB [unchanged]
> ----folderB1 [modified]
> ------fileA [modified]
> ------fileB [unchanged]
> ----folderB2 [unchanged]
> ------fileA [unchanged]
> --folderC [unchanged]
> ----fileA [unchanged]
> It would export (from root):
> root
> --folderA
> ----fileB
> --folderB
> ----fileA
> ----folderB1
> ------fileA
> ------------------------------------------------------
Looks like you want to take only the modified files to synchronise a non
versioned file tree elsewhere. If that is the case, why not try to use a
second working copy, which allows you to commit the changes in one place
and update at the other location.
Another way is to use a file copy tool that detects the differences between
a source file tree and a destination file tree.
Maybe (x)copy can do this for you. I have created some automated deployment
scripts for my own web site, but that is Linux based. Maybe the explanation
I wrote about it can help you, see
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Received on 2012-01-26 23:28:13 CET