2012/1/11 Timothy Tower <timtower1_at_gmail.com>:
> We have been using Tortoise for 12 months or so in our company of 20 persons. Great software - has really improved our code management. I wonder how we got by without it. Thank you!
> I recently upgraded to v1.73-32 bit on 4 PCs (3 are WXP-SP3, one is W7-32). On two checked out folders, I now find that after a few commits with Tortoise (rt click, commit), all the Tortoise rt click options (such as commit, update, revert, clean-up etc) disappear. All the rt click now lists is "checkout" and "Repo-Browser", as though the folder is no longer checked out. Yet, the ".svn" folder is still present, and the folder (and its subfolders) still show the green check mark or red exclamation mark (if something has been changed). When I now run my automated batch file to update these folders, the batch command skips the folder, as though it is no longer checked out. The batch command which has worked well up to now is:
> TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:"C:\User.lib8\" /closeonend:1
> Hence, I can no longer get updates or make commits by working with the top level folder (C:\User.lib8), either using the batch file or by rt clicking. However, if I rt click on the subfolders of C:\User.lib8, I can update and commit fine.
> This rt click menu seems to work Ok for a few times then stops working. It has done this sporadically - on some PCs it still works on one of the two folders, while on others, it works on neither. I have tried deleting the checked out folder and re-checking it out. No change. Once it has stopped working, one cannot seem to get the menu to work again.
> On one PC, I uninstalled v1.7.3 and reverted to 1.7.2. Both of the "bad" folders now work fine.
> Note that this issue does not occur with all of my checked out top-level folders (20+), only with some.
It sounds like one more case of notorious bug 169
aka "short path longer than long path" issue
The only difference wrt. 169 is that you say that it does not
reproduce reliably ("after a few commits..").
> When I now run my automated batch file to update these folders,
Just curious: why aren't you using a command-line client? It is
included in Tortoise 1.7.x installer now.
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
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Received on 2012-01-10 21:47:12 CET