2012/1/8 Stefan Pendl <stefan.pendl.71_at_gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> There is a serious problem with Windows Search enabled for TSVN 1.7.3
> controlled working copies on Windows 7 x64.
> I have fought with unconditional crashes and BSOD (APC_INDEX_MISMATCH)
> until I found out that adding a folder to a library automatically adds
> that folder to the search index.
> After removing the svn controlled folders from the search index, the
> system got stable again.
> Is there any way to remove the working copies from the index by TSVN
> automatically?
> Did anyone encounter similar problems?
> It seems that this was caused by a Windows update during the lifetime of
> the TSVN 1.6.16 release, since that was the time where my system started
> to get unstable.
If I remember correctly one of new features in 1.7 client library is
that it marks the ".svn" folder as excluded from indexing by clearing
"Allowed for indexing" file attribute on that folder.
It might be relevant to triggering the issue.
Maybe some of index catalogs is corrupted? Quick googling finds this
forum answer that mentions how to clear index catalogs:
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
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Received on 2012-01-08 23:14:06 CET