Branches screwed up!
From: Alan Balkany <>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 11:42:56 -0800
I created a branch (1.6) from the Trunk version of my project, and I've been adding to 1.6 while also fixing bugs in Trunk. I've just discovered that SVN IS PUTTING ALL THE 1.6 MODIFICATIONS INTO TRUNK! It's a mess!
I have a few questions:
1. Why did this happen? (There are separate Trunk and 1.6 folders in the repository)
2. I've restored Trunk to when the branch occurred, but I can't make any more modifications because SVN tells me it's "out of date". How can I restore Trunk?
3. How can I connect 1.6 on disk with 1.6 in the repository?
Thanks a lot!
Alan Balkany
1260 James L. Hart Parkway
[734] 736-4539 tel
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