Upgrading working copy taking ages
From: Someone Boring <listmember_at_letterboxes.org>
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2011 05:50:18 -0800 (PST)
I have a local copy of the ICU project [ http://site.icu-project.org/ ] which is about 47.4 GB (3,425,019 Files, 654,882 Folders; including .svn stuff) and 'Upgrading working copy' is taking so incredibly frustratingly long doing whatever it is doing.
I mean, I don't have much idea about the internals of the operation but I'd say it would take much less time even if it were to re-write each single file in a remote location over a slow line.
It's been so far 3 full days and, the was it looks, it has a very long way to go; it's just that I have no idea how long.
In another, similar (but smaller), case I had to kill the operation (because 'Cancel' didn't do much; it simply went on and on). Then, I re-downloaded the whole thing --it took much less time to do so.
I am actually inclined to do the same; but, that doesn't solve the underlying issue: Why is it taking so long?
Plus, while it is good that the dialogue is minimizable, could you also make it resizable --so that I can extend it to see exactly what path it is working on.
A progress bar would be nice too.
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