If a repository contains two directories at the same level that differ
only by case, when a user navigates into the lowercase directory, they
will actually see the contents of the uppercase directory. There is
no way to see the contents of the lowercase directory.
Issue found in TortoiseSVN 1.7.2, Build 22327 - 64 Bit
To re-create the issue, run the following commands in a .bat file.
Open the Repo browser and notice that the contents displayed in dir1
contain d.txt and e.txt, when the actual contents in the repository
are a.txt, b.txt, and c.txt.
svnadmin create svn_case_issue
svn mkdir file:///c:/project_files/svn/svn_case_issue/dir1 -m "Test
svn mkdir file:///c:/project_files/svn/svn_case_issue/Dir1 -m "Test
echo . > a.txt
echo . > b.txt
echo . > c.txt
echo . > d.txt
echo . > e.txt
svn import a.txt file:///c:/project_files/svn/svn_case_issue/dir1/a.txt
-m "test file"
svn import a.txt file:///c:/project_files/svn/svn_case_issue/dir1/b.txt
-m "test file"
svn import a.txt file:///c:/project_files/svn/svn_case_issue/dir1/c.txt
-m "test file"
svn import a.txt file:///c:/project_files/svn/svn_case_issue/Dir1/d.txt
-m "test file"
svn import a.txt file:///c:/project_files/svn/svn_case_issue/Dir1/e.txt
-m "test file"
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Received on 2011-12-07 21:39:01 CET