On 28.10.2011 13:56, Wolf Peuker wrote:
> Am 28.10.2011 13:27, schrieb Stefan Küng:
>> On 28.10.2011 13:26, Wolf Peuker wrote:
>>> Am 28.10.2011 13:22, schrieb Stefan Küng:
>>>> The overlays are blocked from refreshing as long as a TSVN dialog is
>>>> still open.
>>> OK, but there was no dialog TSVN open. --Wolf
>> Then wait two minutes and hit F5 to refresh in explorer - the icons will
>> appear again.
> Thanks, I'll look on it tonight.
> Is this delayed update behavior restricted to Win7 64bit?
No, it's independent of OS.
Maybe an explanation is required:
The status cache crawls folders as soon as it detects a change. This can
lead to a heavy disk load if a folder is used a lot, for example if you
run a build.
To avoid such situations, the status cache process has a few safeguards
in place:
* Once a folder is crawled and its status fetched, that same folder
won't get crawled again for about a minute.
* when TSVN does an update/commit/..., it sends the cache a message
telling it to block that folder and all folders below it. As soon as the
TSVN operation is finished (i.e., the dialog showing the operation
progress is closed), it sends the cache another message to unblock the
folder again. The cache *then* crawls the folder and refreshes the status.
* in case the cache encounters an error while crawling a folder, that
folder is blocked from crawling again for two minutes. Such crawl errors
can happen if the working copy database is currently in use (e.g.,
another SVN client accesses it, a virus scanner has the file open
exclusively, ...).
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on 2011-10-28 14:49:59 CEST