On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 12:44, David Haggard <david_at_newcovenant.com> wrote:
> It would be very handy if one could set a "Global Ignore List" in TortoiseSVN for all folders.
> The ability to ignore folders and files by name or extension is a great function. However, it is limited to one particular folder at a time.
> For example, when developing with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, when a project is built two folders are created, "bin" and "obj." There is no need to save these folders in source control, as they are built on the fly when the project is compiled. I work with multiple projects. I must enter Windows Explorer for each project and select the "bin" and "obj" folders, then five mouse clicks to ignore them.
> It would be VERY handy to be able to tell TortoiseSVN to ignore these folders for every folder, already existing or new.
> My apologies if this has already been requested, but I was unable to find such a request in the forums.
TSVN Menu -> Settings -> General
Under "Subversion" is a field "Global Ignore Pattern". It's been a
long time since I've mucked around with that; does that work for both
directories AND files, or just filename patterns?
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Received on 2011-10-18 19:18:12 CEST