On 14.10.2011 22:22, spongman wrote:
> On Oct 14, 12:49 pm, Dave Huang<k..._at_azeotrope.org> wrote:
>> ... I think the distinction between a working copy and a repository
>> is still clear.
> I'm sure you do.
> However, for myself and several others who have taken the time to
> bring it up, it is definitely not clear.
>> If you're going to say two terms are confusingly similar simply
>> because there's some sort of association between them, you're going
>> to eliminate a lot of words from the language.
>> "should the user interface only make sense to people who have read
>> the help file?" Yes.
> wow. if that's the case, you might want to address some of these
> entries on the about page (http://tortoisesvn.net/about.html):
> - Easy to use - descriptive dialogs, constantly improved due to user
> feedback
> really. this isn't some kind of ad-hominem attack. i'm just trying
> to give some feedback from the point of view of a neophyte that
> might help improve the usability of the product.
> might it be possible to show, in the dialog, the path/URL/version of
> both the 'local' and 'repository' entries that conflicted? that
> would certainly go a long way to clarify which term refers to which
> entry.
You've complained that the dialog is confusing. And that you're confused
about the difference between 'repository' and 'working copy'.
Those two terms are maybe the most important terms when you're using any
version control system. I'm sorry, but if you don't understand what a
repository and a working copy is and how they're connected, then I don't
see how we could make that dialog any easier to understand.
I don't think you can really use any version control system (not just
SVN but all others as well) if you don't understand those two terms.
Do you have any suggestions on how that dialog could be improved?
Just telling that it's not clear won't help at all.
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on 2011-10-14 22:31:45 CEST