On 2011-10-05 10:49, Stefan Küng wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, the svn_client_update4() API doesn't allow to set any
>>> diff options, unlike the svn_client_merge4() API.
>>> Stefan
>> If that's true, then how does the command-line svn implement '--diff3-cmd'?
> the --diff3-cmd option does *not* specify that you want to ignore
> whitespaces. It specifies that you want to use another diff tool
> instead of the internal one.
> what I'm talking about however is the '-x' parameter you can pass to
> e.g. the merge command.
> if you want to use an external diff tool with TSVN, you can specify
> that in the config file.
> Stefan
You are correct, the --diff3-cmd does not specify that you want to
ignore whitespaces, but it DOES let you choose a merge tool that DOES
ignore whitespaces.
You are also correct in that you can over-ride the default diff3 in the
config file, so that resolves the core of my problem. By specifying a
custom diff3-cmd in the option file, I can cause TSVN to ignore
whitespaces during any file-merges during an update.
I guess I was hoping for a configuration entry in the GUI for setting
this up, like a checkbox "Ignore whitespace during merges during
updates" or something of the sort that would automatically change the
diff3-cmd option to point to some merge tool that ignored whitespace.
As I understand it, that could certainly be done, but since I seem to be
the only one that's ever complained about it missing, maybe it's not
quite as important as I imagine it being.
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Received on 2011-10-05 18:29:32 CEST