pedantic issue: right click menuitem selection in tortoiseproc dialog contextmenu
From: z <>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 00:36:11 -0700 (PDT)
In well-formed windows apps, one can use the right mouse button to choose an item from a context menu. This does not work in tortoiseSVN.
For example, prepare to commit some files in a directory with modifications. In the 'changes made' list, rightclick any item to summon a context menu; then rightclick on 'compare with base'. TortoiseMerge should appear, just as if you had leftclicked on 'compare with base'. Instead, nothing happens.
This behaviour was verified using version 1.6.16 build 21511.
Solving this is probably as easy as editing SciEdit.cpp to use TPM_RIGHTBUTTON in the call to TrackPopupMenu. However, I have not checked whether this works in your particular case; I have not built TortoiseSVN myself.
This is a very low priority issue and should only be a concern to someone passionate about confirming 100% in every minute detail to maximum windowsy behaviour.
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