On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 5:59 AM, Edmund Fovargue
<edmundfovargue_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
> What I would like to know is, is there anyway you can have different download levels on the HEAD revision?
> Basically what my situation is that my team are in the process of looking at putting a lot of large files into our
> svn which most of our team do not need to download and since these files are very large, a few gbs a piece,
> having everyone on the team downloading them all would be a bit of a nightmare.
> These files need to be mixed in to each other tbh so can't really do this via different SVNs as we have done in the past.
SInce the files are only needed by a minority of the team, you could
use a script to perform a local copy/move of these files on
individulat team members's PCs. This way, those files could be either
in a seperate repository, or treated as a sperate project in the same
repository. This way, only the team memebers that explicitly check out
those files wil get them.
If you have never setup multiple projects in a single repository, it
looks like this:
(and so on)
Although all the projects are in the same repository, users can still
check out individual projects:
md Project1
cd Project1
svn checkout \\server\svn\Repository\Project1
This would create a work space with just the files in Project1
For those team members that need the huge file, they would then do:
cd ..
md P1HugeFiles
cd P1HugeFiles
svn checkout \\server\svn\Repository\P1HugeFiles
This would create a second workspace with the huge files, then either
copy or move the huge files to the primary work space.
Of course, to commit edits to the huge files, the user would have to
copy/move the changed file back to the secondary work space, but local
copies are reasonably fast compared to the actual commit or update. A
local move is, I think, even faster.
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Received on 2011-06-28 18:47:29 CEST