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From: Roman Kellner <muzungu_at_gmx.net>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 13:16:17 +0200


We have a Windows development enviroment (2 Tools /IDEs) providing and
using a MSSCCI and SVN as SCM.

Currently we use PushOk as the SCC2SVN client but also need a Wrapper
library around PushOk to avoid interface bugs between the IDE leading to
crashed of one of the IDEs.

We will use svn:externals with is not as such known to MSSCCI. The IDEs
make heavy use of SccPopulateList() to retrieve the files in a directory.
Since I assume PushOk to use the svn ls command to do so, the externals
are ignored. Hence we will have to emulate an svn ls including
svn:externals in some way.

            - we find a SVN2SCC client that does it that way (which I doubt
that any will) or
            - we extend our Wrapper bypassing PushOk and using svn direktly
for certain SCC commands or
            - (now the actual point) we write our own SVN2SCC client. 

I found that one attempt to create a TortoiseSVN2SCC client at
http://tortoisesvnscc.tigris.org. Unluckily rather outdated and without
sources to continue with.

Does anyone have an idea why the project was discontinued?
Does TortoiseSVN has an API to its libraries (I know that TortoiseProc can
 be automated, but I need a list of files and no GUI dialog for
I browsed through the code a bit and found, that there is a class that
abstracts SVN and calls standard svn_client_<command>s. Could I access the
abstraction class SVN or access the svn api using the Tortoise library?

I am trying to estimate how much effort it is to write a toroiseSVNSCC
client with that special svn:externals feature we need, since I do like
the idea of extending our Wrapper using both tools PushOk and svn due the
need to have all in the appropriate versions.

I would appreciate any comments on that.



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Received on 2011-06-15 13:29:21 CEST

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