On Tuesday 07 June 2011, you wrote:
> I have just selected a file and chose ‘switch to’ a tag recently used to
> tag a release of my complete project. I mistakenly assumed that in doing
> so I would just switch the particular file to the version in the tagged
> release.
The reason that this doesn't work is that Subversion is a versioned storage
for files. What many people consider tags or branches is completely irrelevant
to Subversion itself, so it can't determine the "correct" file within your
"project" when you switch a file to a certain "tag".
BTW: In case you wonder if that is a bug or feature, I have used this feature
to switch a file to a directory.
> I just cannot find a way to reverse this, retrieve the correct version of
> my file, and keep SVN happy at the same time.
Just switch the directory back to the former URL, or directly to the actual
file's URL that you wanted to switch it to in the first place.
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Received on 2011-06-07 14:35:27 CEST