On 06.03.2011 08:34, Stefan Küng wrote:
> On 05.03.2011 18:55, Gunnar Dalsnes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is it possible to include svn revno somewhere in the
>> http://nightlybuilds.tortoisesvn.net/latest/x64/small/ folder?
>> I use that svn.exe to test with and would be nice to have the revno for
>> recerence when communicating problems with svn people. svn --version
>> does not show revno either, this would probably be the best solution, to
>> show svn revno here. Or maybe easier/possible to include it in
>> buildlog64.txt?
> I don't like to patch the svn.exe client to show the revnum in the
> version output.
> But the revision is shown in the filename of the TSVN msi. So there's no
> need to put it into the buildlog too.
Yes, but this is the revno of the tortoisesvn repo (eg. 20965) . I ment
the revno of the subversion repo (eg. 1078269). If you included the
output from svn update in buildlog, it would show all this info:-)
> Stefan
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