Bug Report: Could not send request body: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
From: Chris Duncan <veqryn_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 07:05:59 -0700
I have been using the latest stable release of TortoiseSVN on my work computer (Vista, 32bit) for some time now, but as of today almost all of my commits are failing (failing mid-commit).
Exactly what I am doing:
I have a good internet connection, which was not interrupted during this. Also, there is nothing wrong with these files, I moved them to my other computer which was able to commit them just fine over the same connection.
I also did a little bit of googling, and it appears other svn users (including but not only tortoise svn) are getting this error, but none of the posts I saw gave any similar answer to any other post, and all of them were with slightly different situations.
Do you know how to solve this issue? I would really like to be able to work from this computer...
The exact error message is:
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