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Re: Incorrect tsvn:autoprops set by files imported via Repo-browser.

From: Stefan Küng <tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 09:32:24 +0100

On 01.12.2010 22:49, Ken Johnson wrote:
> If the Repo-browser is launched from a folder in a working copy, it appears to add properties to imported files per the tsvn:autoprops property of the folder from which the browser was launched, rather than the folder into which the file is being imported.
> For example, given the following repository structure:
> autoprops/ - this folder has the tsvn:autoprops *=svn:needs-lock=* property.
> no-autoprops/ - this folder has no properties.
> 1. Create a working copy of the autoprops folder.
> 2. From within the working copy of the autoprops folder, launch the Repo-browser from the TortoiseSVN menu.
> 3. In the Repo-browser, select the no-autoprops folder.
> 4. Drag and drop a text file from any unversioned folder from windows explorer into the no-autoprops folder via the Repo-browser.
> 5. The svn:needs-lock=* property is added to the file even though the no-autoprops folder (nor its parents) has no tsvn:autoprops property. Imported files will receive this property no matter what folder they are imported to.
> On the other hand, if the Repo-browser is launched from an unversioned folder, or versioned folder without the tsvn:autoprops property, imported files will not receive any properties even if they are imported to a folder that has the tsvn:autoprops configured property.
> I expected file import via drag and drop into the Repo-browser to add (or not add) properties according to the tsvn:autoprops property of the target folder (or its parents).
> I am using TortoiseSVN 1.6.12, Build 20536 - 32 Bit, 2010/11/24 20:59:01

This is by design. The project properties are *not* per folder but
always per project, thus the name.
The properties are read from the folder you execute a command from
upwards until a folder with such properties is found, and those are then
used for that command.


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