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Re: log access rights?

From: Dale McCoy <dalestan_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 00:08:32 -0400

> In our policy we can't let them who
> are not programmers read souce code in version control.programmers
> commit souce code and binary into two folders.
> /src programmers read/write
> /bin everone read/write
> but if programmers commit message in a changeset,others can't read the
> log in /bin
> Is there anyone have the same situration? or any comments? Thanks.

This raises several questions related to your choice of this usage
pattern. I don't need the answer to any of these, but you do need to
make sure that *you* know the answer, as your usage is significantly
non-standard, and the standard usage is usually standard for a reason.
1) Why are you versioning binaries?
2) Why do programmers have write permissions for /bin? Isn't this why
compile farms were invented?
3) Why do non-programmers have write permissions for /bin? If you
don't have at least read access to /src, how do you create anything
coherent to put in /bin?

Questions about usage aside, I see two possible usages that fit your
A) The programmers change the source, compile into /bin, and then
commit the changes. In this case, you have one revision that changes
both /src and /bin. Therefore, the change exists in both trees, and,
by virtue of being a single revision, has a single commit message.
Ergo, no problem: everyone can see all commit messages because all
revisions that change /src also change /bin.
B) The programmers change the source and commit the changes.
Someone/something else (possibly a compile farm) checks out the
changes, compiles into /bin, and then commits the new binaries. In
this case, the problem is not (directly) with your use of svn, but
with whatever updates the /bin tree. You need to reconfigure
him/her/it to use meaningful messages when updating /bin.

If neither of these are your usage pattern, or the effects I describe
are not the effects you are actually observing, then I think you'll
have to describe in more detail what happens between when a programmer
makes a change to the source in their WC and when a non-programmer
checks out the new binary and tries to figure out what changed.

Dale McCoy


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Received on 2010-10-25 06:08:50 CEST

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