Hi, you probably already have found the way by yourself.
However, I'll explain it in case you didn't, since indeed there are
some small peculiarities there:
1. in the EditTracServer window select the proper authentication type
(for example, basic)
2. fill in the Trac URL (if it's already set then just append a random
character and delete it) - this will enable the username and password
3. fill in the username and password fields
4. press NEXT
5. if you receive Error [403] (XML_RPC privileges are required) then
you have to grant XML_RPC privilegy to the anonymous user and to try
6. select at least one ticket query
7. In the Add new Trac provider window: Expand your trac server,
8. expand Tickets
9. select a query (for example All Tickets)
10. NEXT
11. Select the commands you like (for example closed, fixed, see)
12. Finish
13. OK
14. Apply
15. Test it from commit dialog - Choose tickets
16. If the list of existing tickets (according to the query you
selected) appears, you've finished.
Regards, Dimitar
On 15 Окт, 10:02, Jarod2Fu <Jarod..._at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,if you have free time,could you help me to resolve the question?
> our Env:
> Subversion 1.6.12 TortoiseSVN Trac 0.12
> TracExplorer_0.2.0_x86_beta.msi
> have installed xmlrpcplugin-r9293
> integration Apache2.2.15 with Authentication
> when i setting the tracexplorer in TortoiseSVN
> right click Settings->Hook Scripts->Issue Tracker Integration-add bring out the "Configure Issue Tracker Integration" window while set the Parameters,click the Options,popup the "Add new Trac provider" window
> when I Add New Trac Server, popup the "Edit Trac Server" window
> how to set the Trac URL? I select the any Authentication, the Authentication area, Username and Password dont allow to input.
> So I can't to complete the setting of tracexplorer with TortoiseSVN.
> Could you help me to resolve the questions?
> Thank you very much!
> Jarod.Fu
> Jarod..._at_gmail.com
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