Am 14.10.2010 03:02, schrieb Noel Estep:
> Well I was able to encounter it again, and here's how I did it. I dropped
> an unversioned pdf into a versioned folder. Two directory levels up, I ran
> SVN commit. The dialogue detected the unversioned pdf, so I put the
> checkbox next to it, and I committed it. Well, it's been several hours now,
> and both the containing directories still show the ! overlay icon, and the
> pdf file has a + overlay icon on it. If I run SVN commit anywhere in the
> directories, it just says there's been no changes. Looking at the TSVNCache
> log window, it is definitely crawling all the folders I'm navigating to, but
> like I said it's not changing them to the correct checkmark state.
Sorry, I didn't follow the whole thread. What exactly do you expect from
a cleanup? Correct overlays or green checkmarks?
Perhaps I'm wrong, but in my experience it looks like clenaup "resets"
the overlays to their initial state (which is the green checkmark): If I
run cleanup on a working copy with changes, the overlays for "modified"
or "added" appear only after a little while.
Based on that, if i understand you correctly, cleanup seems to "fix" the
overlays for you, because you just committed all changes and expect
green checkmarks.
In other words, if it takes several hours for the icons to change to
their correct state, I suspect something's really wrong with your setup.
Can you perhaps try a cleanup on a modified working copy? How long does
it take until the overlays are correct?
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