On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 09:29, Michael Cole <mcole_at_forbin.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to branching and need a little guidance in my particular
> situation. I made a Build1.1 branch from my trunk. From that Build 1.1 I
> created  Build1.2 branch. I finished 1.1, merged the changes back into 1.2,
> and then merged 1.1 back into my trunk and everything worked well. However,
> now I am attempting to merge 1.2 back into my trunk and I am getting a ton
> of tree conflicts. It almost seems like it’s trying to merge the same new
> items that 1.1 put back into the trunk. Do I need to somehow tell 1.2 and I
> put 1.1 back into the trunk? Did I do something incorrect with branching
> 1.2 off of 1.1?
> Now that I read this question, it seems that I need to take 1.2 back through
> 1.1 to get back to the trunk. Is this the case?
Not necessarily.
I suspect what you want to do is only to merge the changes in 1.2
*after* it was branched from 1.1 back into the trunk.
E.g. If you created branch 1.1 in revision 5, then created branch 1.2
from branch 1.1 in revision 10, you would only want to merge revisions
10-HEAD of branch 1.2 to the trunk.
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Received on 2010-08-11 16:37:49 CEST