Edit Tree Conflicts dialog confusion
From: Jeff Dege <jeff.dege_at_korterra.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 14:09:42 -0500
I've just done a merge. I had conflicts. I postpone them all, so I can deal with them later.
I do a "Check for Modifications". I have a file with a Text status of "normal, tree conflict".
I right click, select "Edit Tree Conflicts".
In the "Edit Tree Conflicts" dialog, I see "Conflict Sources", with "Source Left:" and "Source Right:", each with a revision number url.
Beneath them, I see the question "How do you want to resolve this conflict?" Under that, there are two buttons:
"Keep the file from the repository" and "Keep the local file".
Which of the two files is "Source Left", and which is "Source Right"?
Differences in terminology between different parts of the app are confusing enough. Differences in terminology within a single dialog are worse.
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