I'm experiencing every now and then problems with updating from the
The starting situation is a workstation with:
Windows XP SP1
VisualStudio 2008
TortoiseSVN 1.6.7, Build 18415 - 32 Bit
Subversion 1.6.9,
When clicking 'update' from the contextmenu within 'windows explorer'
sometimes one (or more) files are not allowed to move due to a 'access
Don't really know why this can happen but with a filesystem this can
happen, but this is not the problemen.
After this the update can't be done anymore, it now reports a 'checksum
More than often I have to delete it all and do a new checkout.
In my opinion this should not be possible, when updating a file and it
associated files should be changed as a transaction, if the application
fails to gain access the related files should not be affected.
Screenshots below
Access denied when updating:
Checksum mismatch:
With kind regards,
Sven Lucas
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