OK, I can see the previous revisions now-- but _only_ when I look at the
original folder in the original location. When I look at the trunk in the
new folder, it only shows revisions back to when we moved the files into the
new folder. In fact, when I look at the log in the new folder, it refuses to
allow me to set the "From:" date back past the date the new folders were
created. Is this expected behavior? It seems that SVN does not see that the
trunk in the new folder is the same trunk as the one in the original folder.
It's as if I "disconnected" the trunk when I moved it to the new folder in
the Repo-browser.
And, more importantly, the need that led to the original question: after
moving the trunk to a different folder in the Repo-browser, we created a dev
branch from the trunk in the new folder, which we are now unable to merge
back to the trunk in the new folder. When we try to do this, following the
Help file's instructions to check out the trunk in its new location to the
working copy, then try to merge the dev branch, we do a Test Merge, and get
this message:
Error "[dev branch] must be ancestrally related to [trunk]@327"
So, it seems that SVN also thinks our dev branch, created off the trunk in
the new folder, is not related to the trunk it was created from! We have
tried setting the Merge Depth to "Fully recursive", and also to "Working
copy" but both ways result in the same error when we try a Test merge.
Any ideas? I have just upgraded our VisualSVN server to 2.0.8, TortoiseSVN
on the clients to 1.6.7, and VisualSVN to
-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Küng
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 3:05 AM
Subject: Re: Moving files between folders in repo-browser; revision history
The history is not lost. There's a checkbox in the log dialog "stop on
copy/rename". Make sure it isn't checked and you'll see the full history.
If that doesn't work, clear the log cache (settings dialog, saved data,
hit the 'clear' button).
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Received on 2010-02-01 07:32:32 CET