How to do somet hings in TortoiseSVN ?
From: Joe Springer <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 11:13:04 -0800 (PST)
Sorry of this is the wrong way to ask... but I have questions about TortoiseSVN. If this is not the right place to ask, what is?
Installed it on Windows (Vista 64 bit) and can access the repository.
1. How do I search for files? How do I search based on names of files with wild cards?
I am expecting to get a list of files as a result of this search. This list would include the relative path to each file.
2. How do I search for all files that contain a certain text string?
I am expecting to get a list of files as a result of this search. This list would include the relative path to each file.
Thanks for your consideration.
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