Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 November 2009, Simon Large wrote:
>> 2009/11/3 Ulrich Eckhardt <eckhardt_at_satorlaser.com>:
>>> Hi!
>>> I'm wondering why resolving conflicts is so extremely slow. Even if I
>>> select "resolve using mine", where SVN only needs to delete the other
>>> versions of the file, it takes several seconds to complete. Also, I
>>> haven't tried it, is that TSVN-specific or a general SVN behaviour?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Uli
>> By default local files go to the recycle bin, which can be very slow
>> if the bin is full. Try emptying it. This should not affect "resolve
>> using mine" unless there is a bug.
> 3.5 GiB free on that drive, almost nothing in the recycle bin.
> What I found is that when I have two conflicts, the first one takes ages to
> mark as resolved (10 seconds+) while the second one is much faster. I'm
> resolving directly from the context menu of the log of the update window.
> Just wondering, you are not seeing anything like this, right?
TSVN checks the file you're trying to resolve for conflict markers. If
it finds them, it shows a warning dialog that the conflict isn't really
resolved yet.
That check can take some time, depending on the size of the file.
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Received on 2009-11-03 21:33:37 CET