I have encountered this bug when two applications simultaneously created new SubWCRev COM object.
This bug prevents the usage of SubWCRev com by two or more different apps.
If I have two applications (in my case C#) and one closes, it terminates SubWCRevCOM.exe process.
If the second app tries to call GetWCInfo() it fails.
How to reproduce:
1. Run two different apps.
2. Each one of them should create object to SubWCRev().
3. After they create the object make sure that one of them is terminates.
4. After one app terminates, SubWCRevCOM.exe process also terminates.
5. If the second running app calls GetWCInfo() it fails..
You can use the following C# app for testing:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using LibSubWCRev;
namespace SubWCRevTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
SubWCRev WCRevObj = new SubWCRev(); //1
WCRevObj.GetWCInfo(@"C:\path\file.cs", true, true); //2
1 - Run both apps and make sure they stop after creating new object (line 1).
2 - You can see in the "Task Manager" that SubWCRevCOM.exe process is running.
3 - First app should execute line (2) and terminates.
4 - SubWCRevCOM.exe is closed.
5 - Continue run of second app and make it execute line 2.
6 - Execution of line 2 in second app fails since the SubWCRevCOM.exe process was closed.
Basically I am trying to get if a specific file is versioned by using "IsSvnItem". In case you are not
going to fix this bug, or you think that it is not a bug, is there other way to know if a file is versioned?
Can I parse one of the txt files in .SVN folder to know if a file is versioned instead of using SubWCRev COM
Thank you for your help.
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Received on 2009-11-02 22:58:15 CET