----- Original Message -----
From: "Simon Large" <simon.tortoisesvn_at_googlemail.com>
To: <users_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org>
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: Feature request: SubWCRev if not inside a working copy
> The sole purpose of SubWCRev is to extract version information from a
> working copy. Why would you want to use it on something which is not a
> working copy? I don't understand your need to export projects (make it
> unversioned) and then pretend that it is versioned.
> Simon
I generally use SubWCRev from within a script (actually most of the time
from a Visual Studio project rule, which is a kind of script).
That way, I can generate a C or C++ header file from a template file.
I suppose that calling SubWCRev from a script is a probably a very common
usage of it.
On another hand, whereas the whole main project is maintained inside a
versioned directory, it is very common that I make an unversioned copy of
this same directory, side by side in a common root directory, that I use
for testing changes that I am not sure if I will decide to commit or not.
This twin project is anyway fully working, but because SubWCRev needs a
working copy, I have to make some changes in this twin project in order to
remove SubWCRev usage, whereas I would like to have all of its contents
being basically as identical as possible to the versioned one (except of
course for my testing changes).
As I use a directory comparison software for finding differences between
these directories, I would like SubWCRev not needing any change for being
able to run in the versioned or in the non versioned directory.
So I think it would be great if SubWCRev could run without error even in a
non versioned directory, of course not for getting correct version numbers
(I don't care of these numbers in this case), but rather for not breaking
project generations.
That's why I need to have SubWCRev to behave "like if it was working" (from
the project point of view) if it is run from inside a not versioned
Actual result of the generation is not important, I just need to have
SubWCRev substituting dummy version information in case real SVN information
does not exist.
I don't ask to change the SubWCRev common behavior, I would just like it to
have an option for this special "not working copy" case.
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Received on 2009-10-19 20:51:53 CEST