Log Error
From: Joseph Hansen <JAHansens_at_msn.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 10:38:27 -0700 (PDT)
I'm hoping somebody knows how to fix this problem because it is really slowing me down.
After upgrading to version when I open the log view the only thing shown is "File not found. revision <current revision number>. path '/mbShell/Head/Projects'". Also the From and To Date lists always come up showing 12/31/1969 and the From Toggles to 2/ 6/2106 if I refresh. Also if I try to make any changes to the from / to dates they will toggle between 12/31/1969 and 2/ 6/2106. (see attached screenshot).
I've tried uninstalling and going back to earlier versions without any success, even clearing the registry settings. I'm hoping this is some form of a corrupted file somewhere that is neither in the \program files\TortiseSVN directory and is not removed by an uninstall.
Basically this makes the Log completely unusable. Please help!
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