I use the switch function of TortoiseSVN on a regular basis. I recently had
a problem which turned out to be the Log Cache being out of date after
having done a switch from a feature branch to the trunk.
I was working on a feature branch, but was asked to make a quick (low risk)
fix to the trunk. So I committed all my changes to my branch and switched to
trunk. I then used the Show Log function to try and figure out if I had
already merged a feature branch in to trunk (my memory is terrible!) which
we didn't want released just yet as it was still being tested. From looking
at the log it looked like I hadn't, so I went ahead with my fix to trunk and
released the code to production, since it was a tiny fix and considered low
risk by the business.
What I'd actually done was to release the feature branch I was looking to
avoid releasing because I couldn't see the log entry that showed the merge
had taken place. On talking to my colleagues, they could all see it. After
manually updating the log cache from within the settings dialog of
TortoiseSVN so could I.
So, would it be possible to have a checkbox added to the settings which
controls whether a log cache update is performed whenever a switch takes
place within that repository?
Kind Regards,
Antony Scott.
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Received on 2009-06-01 10:40:08 CEST