Bob Archer wrote:
>>> Ok, I thought if you were a member of the list it wasn't
>>> moderated. Although it looks like there was a problem with email
>>> yesterday on my lists. I'm not sure if it was tigris or me.
>> I still have to moderate all your mails through. Make sure that you
>> have a account, that the email address you're posting
>> from is assigned to that account. And you should also apply for
>> 'observer' status in the TSVN project if you're not part of any
>> other project (yes, I know that's stupid, but that's a
>> bug/problem in the forum/mailinglist software).
>> Stefan
> I do have a account. My username is pilotbob. Matter of
> fact I am a moderator on the subversion list. Perhaps I am subscribed
> to this list via a different email address or something as you said.
> Who does this email say is from? I have about 5 or 6 email accounts
> due to company names changes and all.
Your mails arrive from Bob.Archer at infor dot com.
> I just looked at it seems that both the svn list and the tortoise
> list are sending emails to the same email address,
> .
> That said, I just tried to go to to take a look, and it
> seems to be down. Argh.
Yes, the whole was down, but it's up now again.
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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