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RE: Suggestions

From: Garry Star <gstar42_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 11:17:37 -0700

I do select multiple files in a folder so that's not why I suggested this.

I need this for when I have changes in multiple folders that all have the
same message.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Küng [mailto:tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 9:08 AM
To: users_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org
Subject: Re: Suggestions

Simon Large wrote:
> 2009/5/6 garry <gstar42_at_gmail.com>:
>> This is a great product! However, I have some suggestions that might
>> make it a bit easier to use:
>> 1. Provide a setting/option to let me skip the results of an
>> operation (commit, etc.) if everything was successful. If ANY
>> warnings/errors are generated, this would not apply. If it went ok,
>> don't make me close the dialog - just make it go away.
> Settings->Dialogs1->Autoclose
>> 2. The Recent Messages button (during commit) could be changed to a
>> combo or at least the new window should open right there so you don't
>> have to move your mouse to select a message. It would also be great
>> if you had a second button that said something like 'Use Last
>> Message' so committing many files in different folders, all with the
>> same message, was easier.
> You're not the first person to request this. I think we may have had a
> combo box previously and I can't remember now why it changed.

Why it was changed:
it's not easy to read a message in a combobox, and the combobox needs to be
very wide for it to be useful at all for this.

> I'm not sure if there is room for a second button (there are other
> things like the issue number edit box which are normally hidden), but
> there might be.

Committing several times with the same log message is not good practice.
Either commit all those in one commit (if they belong together - this is
SVN, not CVS where each file is committed individually), or choose different
log messages - otherwise if you use the same log message for everything,
they don't make much sense.
So: no, TSVN will not change and provide an easy button to do this: we don't
make it easy to do bad practices.


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Received on 2009-05-07 20:20:30 CEST

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