On May 2, 1:29 am, Stefan Küng <tortoise..._at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Ryan K wrote:
> > Every time I try to install TSVN I make it through the install and
> > then have the following problem:
> >http://www2.ryankaskel.com/misc/images/tort_install_error.png
> > I saw another post talking about a pending reboot but I'm not sure
> > what that means...
> a pending reboot means that you have to reboot before trying the
> installation again, because you didn't reboot after a previous
> installation which required a reboot.
> plain text "One or more required members of the transaction are not
> present."
> That could also mean that your virus scanner interferred and blocked the
> installation of that component (it's the c-runtime from MS, no reason to
> block that).
I turned off my antivirus software after rebooting and attempted to
install but the same error occurred. What else might be missing from
the transaction and are there any log files to show you to help me
figure this one out?
> Stefan
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