RE: Problem with commit in 1.6.1
From: <>
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 08:46:33 -0700 (PDT)
> I've upgraded TortoiseSVN from 1.5.8 to 1.6.1 and ran into following problem:
I've dug out a few more details.
1. Originally, I was trying to commit from a working copy on a SUBST drive, and when I try it from the non-SUBST - everything works fine.
There is a difference in file monitor output (H:\ERS mapped to R:, and is a root of working copy (!)):
- For SUBST, I see queries to ".svn\entries" from the folder I'm trying to up to the "H:\ERS", and then "D:\WINDOWS\TEMP", and then all fails/
- For non-SUBST, I see: "H:\ERS\.svn\..." (OK), then "H:\.svn" (fails), then "D:\WINDOWS\TEMP" (fails), then again "H:\.svn" (fails), and then something with svn-base starts, and everything works
2. However, I do have a different working copy on a normal drive, for which the error repeats itself. And in this case the root of the drive is again the root of working copy, could this be the source of some error?
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