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Compiling with capieng enabled for smart card authentication

From: Lucas Johnson <lucas.johnson_at_nextwavesys.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 06:10:13 -0700 (PDT)

I read a post by someone else who mentioned that version 1.5.5 of TortoiseSVN had the capieng enabled by default. This option has to be turned on before smart cards, or Common Access Cards (CAC), can be used for authentication. I tried version 1.5.5 and it worked perfectly for me. However, when I try to custom build version 1.6.0 or 1.6.1, these are the only two versions that I have tried so far, I cannot get smart card authentication to work with the options that I believe are turned on in version 1.5.5. I have followed the instructions in the build.txt file and I can successfully build the resulting Windows installer package (.msi) file. So I have modified default.build.user, doc/doc.build.user, Languages.txt, and OpenSSL.build. In OpenSSL.build my win32 section looks like the following:

<if test="${platform == 'win32'}">
  <exec program="perl" workingdir="..\..\..\common\openssl">
    <arg value="Configure" />
    <arg value="VC-WIN32" />
    <!-- added the following three args to enable CAC authentication -->
    <arg value="enable-capieng" />
    <arg value="-DOPENSSL_SSL_CLIENT_ENGINE_AUTO=capi" />
    <arg value="-DOPENSSL_CAPIENG_DIALOG" />
    <!-- finish modifying args -->
  <exec program="cmd" workingdir="..\..\..\common\openssl">
    <arg value="/c" />
    <arg value="ms\do_masm" />
  <exec program="nmake" workingdir="..\..\..\common\openssl">
    <arg value="-f" />
    <arg value="ms\nt.mak" />

I've looked at version 1.5.5's OpenSSL.build file and these are the options that were added. My question is whether or not I am missing something? When I install my compiled version and connect to a server that I know works with CAC authentication because I've tried it using version 1.5.5 of TortoiseSVN, it always just displays the "Open client certificate file" dialog. Are there other build files that I must modify?


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Received on 2009-04-14 15:13:30 CEST

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