Message "Not a working dir" using Merge
From: Bas Schouten <>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 04:24:35 -0700 (PDT)
I am using TortoiseMerge as the merging tool together with Starteam version control.
From starteam the merge tool is called with the base, theirs and mine file, and a resulting file in a temp directory. This resulting file is later used bu starteam to check-in the lastest (merged) version of the file.
Since the lastest version after merging the files in TortoiseMerge and saving the result, i get an error "C:\Temp is not a working doirectory". I understand the message from a tortoise standpoint, but since im just using the merge tool I would like to disable this message.
How can i do that?
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