Well, keeping searching on Google, here is the best post I've found on
the subject:
That still doesn't explain why I need this for OnCommitFinished, but
not for GetCommitMessage2...
On Mar 13, 11:06 pm, Stefan Küng <tortoise..._at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Stephane EHRET wrote:
> > Hi Stefan,
> > Thanks for adding the CheckCommit method...
> > ;-)
> > My BugTraq plugin contains a few Wpf windows. No problem at all when a
> > Wpf window is instanciated by GetCommitMessage2.
> > However, when I try to instanciante a Wpf from within
> > OnCommitFinished, I get the following error:
> > "The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require
> > this."
> > Everything works fine if I use a "regular" Win Form instead of the Wpf
> > window, but I'd like to avoid that...
> > Have you got any clue why?
> WPF uses multiple threads, not just one. For example, the
> rendering/composition is happening on a second thread from the UI thread.
> Do a google search on "The calling thread must be STA, because many UI
> components require this." and you'll find out what to do.
> Stefan
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