2009/2/25 <pvo_at_esi-group.com>:
> Hello,
> I would find useful to improve the RepoBrowser with a feature available in FileZilla :
> In FileZilla, you can edit a remote file in selecting the "Edit" item in the popup menu of the remote file.
> In fact, a copy of the remote file is copied in local and the editing application is launched from this local place.
> After modification, the browser is able to detect that the local file is modified and asks the user whether updating the remote file or not.
> If we want to do the same work with Tortoise (editing a file from the RepoBrowser), we need to perform CheckOut of the owning folder, then edit the file, then commit, then delete the working copy.
> May it be possible to perform this action more efficiently in the RepoBrowser when we want to modify one file ?
> Adding a "Edit" (and perhaps "Edit with") menu item(s) in the contextuel popup menu of the file ?
> I don't know if it is possible to work only on this file (like it is done now with the "Open" feature which copies the file in TEMP folder) in keeping in memory of the RepoBrowser from which path/revision it comes from, detect the modification and commit it ?
> Otherwise perhaps can we imagine using existing features this way :
> -> the RepoBrowser creates a working copy in the TEMP folder (only with the selected file, in case the repository folder contains many other files !?),
> -> when it detects a modification, then ask for commit,
> -> if the commit is performed, delete (or propose to delete) the working copy.
> Is it possible to perform such improvement ?
> Thank's in advance.
You asked exactly the same question on the dev list and I already
answered you there. Please take the trouble to read the replies.
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Received on 2009-02-25 18:14:54 CET