Robert Wilcox wrote:
> Hello Stefan,
> That doesn't work either because I am copying from the branch
> directory to the branch directory and I receive a pathname already
> exists error.
> This is 100% reproduceable and there are no problems doing this using
> the command-line from the client. So, it would seem that this issue
> is a TortoiseSVN issue. How can I get more information from the
> operation so that I can try to identify why TortoiseSVN is having an
> issue?(Docs, debug strategy, tricks, etc.)
> There isn't much in the way of debugging in the user manual, that I
> saw. I tried this using TortoiseProc.exe from the command-line and
> it WORKS......
> C:\Documents and Settings\guy>tortoiseproc /command:copy
> /path:svn://repo1 e/test/trunk
> /url:svn://repo2/test/branches/cmdlinetest2 /logmsg: "Hello"
> /closeonend:0 (Brought up a dialog box, I entered a log message
> (didn't populate) and then hit OK).
In this command, you try to create a copy from svn://repo1 to
svn://repo2 - that won't work at all.
Try the command line client like this:
svn copy svn://repo/test/trunk_at_3 svn://repo/test/branches/newbrnch -m ""
As I said: I can not reproduce this, with neither of the available
protocols. Not with 1.5.7 nor with a trunk build of TSVN (and the part
doing the copy hasn't changed between trunk and 1.5.7).
It might be related to these:
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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