2009/1/11 SeeVik <vikramvmalhotra1983_at_gmail.com>:
> Hello all,
> I am using TortoiseSVN 1.5.6. I am trying to create a repository on my
> USB hard disk. The folder which I want to version contains a large
> number of files.
> After creating the repository, when I try to add the concerned folder,
> then after some time while the process of adding files to repository
> is going on, the process stops all by itself, giving an error like the
> following:
> Error: Can't open file 'F:\rpoject\abc\
> Error: Support\SVN_Repository\db\transactions\0-0.txn\next-ids': The
> requested
> Error: operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped
> section open.
> Can anybody tell when this does this error come up, how it can be
> avoided or what is its workaround?
I have never encountered such a problem, but if the message means
exactly what it says, that is that the file is already opened by
some other program and subversion cannot access it.
Do you have a virus scanner? Can you disable scanning for your
repository folders? It won't find anything in those binary files, but
false positives and interference may be harmful.
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
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Received on 2009-01-11 10:47:20 CET